Fast | Affordable | Accurate

Scanning for “As Built” Floor Plans

And external Elevations


Fast Delivery

We know that if any one component in a process be it negotiations, remodel, sale, lease, or listing, that delays the process even a few weeks costs clients hard earned dollars. Our ability to turn projects out quickly means that waiting on final floor plans, CAD Files, or measurements, is no longer something that will cost you or your client time, or money.

Our scans are designed to take work off your plate, not add to it. This means quick turn times on projects, providing everyone the information they need to get moving on the next steps quicker.

Project timelines are always size dependent, and have a number of factors

Call today and we can discuss turnaround times


Most everything comes down to the bottom line, is this worth the cost? Here, our aim to provide a cost effective, high quality product that is useful for whatever the end result is. Architecture firms started brining us on to produce the initial floor plans and “as builts” for a very specific reason, we saved them money, allowing their team to focus on more important things. This is true for our work across all sectors.

We provide delivery flexibility, and project management so we are only charging clients for what they need at the time.

We offer flies in three formats. Basic PDF Floorplan, CAD File, Revit Files

We will not upsell you on something you do not need for your end result


Whether its wide open spaces, or tight office complexes, we can provide a detailed floor plan or CAD file to accurately show every little nook and cranny of a space, helping you make the best decisions you can for the property and the clients

Our scanning systems are accurate and precise, helping quickly develop models for even the most complex and repetitive of spaces. Whether it is a 2000 sq ft retail space, or a 200,000 sq hospital, we have seen it all, have worked on all types of projects.

Our models have been used for lease and sale listings, lease negotiations, space size confirmation, repairs, remodels, project estimations, exterior improvements, roof repairs and remediation, and even damage assessment


well Over a Million Sq Ft Scanned throughout Oregon and Washington


sample Pricing

2,000 sq ft Scan | 1/4 Day Scan | ~$550

20,000 Sq Ft Scan | 2 Day Scan | ~2,500

200,000 Sq Ft Scan | 7 Day Scan | ~$22,000

Sample Pricing includes a basic PDF file delivery.

Delivery times are based on size of space and required documents (CAD vs PDF)

**All prices are based on sq ft for internal scans, and linear feet for external scans (buildings less than 45 feet tall), and have a slight degree of variability based on property type and complexity. Deliverables also impact pricing due to addtional steps that may be required


For Commercial Scanning Contact

Chris Fischer | Owner

(503) 580-1192 |

Chris started his journey in Real Estate in 2007 when he joined Associated Properties, working in their commercial real estate sales team. He eventually was brought onto Sperry Van Ness Commercial Advisors where he specialized in Investment and Multifamily Properties, earning his CCIM. In 2015, Chris left real estate to open a media and production company in which they specialize in all things media related to marketing real estate properties. We do not list or sell real estate, we provide media and support to those that do. Not only does Chris film real estate content, but he is an international award winning cinematographer and director for documentary film work


*Scans have been tested to be accurate to +99%, however we ALWAYS recommend verifying the dimensions for anything that needs a high degree of accuracy. While we have not yet had any issues, we always want to caveat that double checking numbers is essential